Privacy Policy

This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") sets forth our commitment to respect your online privacy and recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of any Personal Information (as defined below) you share with us. The Privacy Policy applies to our Services available under the domain (hereinafter referred to as the "Website/App").

By visiting the Website/App or going through the Privacy Policy, as detailed below or the Terms of Use, which prescribes Terms and Conditions for use of Website/App or availing our Services, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and to the use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


The words "you" or "your" or "User" or "Customer" as used herein, refer to all individuals and/or entities accessing or using the Website/App for any reason. The words "we" or "us" or "our" or the "Company" as used herein, refer to My Hindlab. and/or any of its Associate/Subsidiary/Group Company.

This Privacy Policy describes the information, which as part of our normal operations; we collect from you and what may happen to that information. Although this policy may seem long, we have prepared a detailed policy because we believe you should know as much as possible about the Website/App, our Services, and practices so that you can make informed decisions.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to Terms of Use and the terms not defined here, have their meanings ascribed to them in the Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use are effective upon your visit of our Website/App, or you are going through the same. We encourage you to read the terms of the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use in their entirety before you use the Website/App and / or avail of our Services.


You agree that if you or any third-party shares correspondences with us in any electronic form such as emails, letters etc, containing your personal information, we may collect or store the same, as part of your query/query resolution or for the purposes as mentioned in Clause 3 or 4 below.

You agree that we may collect your IP address Website/App Website/App as a visitor to our Website/App. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the internet. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Website/App, analyse trends, track users' movement, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use for us to improve the Website/App, and deliver customized, personalized content.

3. Use of your Personal Information

You agree that we may use your Personal Information to facilitate the Services you request. You agree that we may use your Personal Information and other information we obtain on the Website/App or at the time of patient registration to enable detailed examination of the medical tests conducted, inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, password retrieval and updates; customize your experience; enforce Terms of Use; and as otherwise described to you at the time of collection.

Further, you hereby consent that we may use your anonymized sample/ data for research and development purposes. You agree that we may use Personal Information about you to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyse site usage, improve the Website/App's content and service offerings, and customize the Website/App's content, layout, and services. These uses improve the Website/App and better tailor it to meet your needs, so as to provide you with an efficient, safe, and customized experience while using the Website/App.

You agree that we may use your Personal Information to contact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases, are targeted to your interests, such as targeted banner advertisements, administrative notices, services offerings, and communications relevant to your use of the Website/App. If you do not wish to receive these communications, we encourage you to unsubscribe / opt out of the receipt of certain communications in your profile or contact our grievance officer.

4. Disclosure of your Personal Information

You agree and confirm that we do not rent, sell, or share Personal Information about you with other people (save with your consent) or non-affiliated companies except to provide products or Services under the Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, or under the following circumstances:

  1. to provide the Personal Information to physicians and other authorized health care professionals who need to access your laboratory report for your proper diagnosis.
  2. to insurance companies, hospitals, physicians or third parties with our billing department for payment purpose.
  3. to support our healthcare operations, such as performing quality checks on your testing, for teaching purposes, or for developing normal reference ranges for the tests we perform.
  4. to respond to summons, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.
  5. to health department or any other Government body as and when required by them for collecting or processing health information of the state/country.
  6. to other laboratories/medical institutions for research and development purposes from time to time, to reveal general statistical information about our Website/App and visitors, such as number of visitors, number and type of services purchased, etc.
  7. to transfer/disclose Personal Information about you to trusted partners, may or may not be for gain, to promote certain products/services for commercial purposes, without any prior notice to you.

Further, you agree that we may share your Personal Information for the following categories of activities from time-to-time:

  1. Advertisements

    1. When you enter Personal Information on any forum of an advertiser, such information is simultaneously collected by Website/App and the advertiser. The Personal Information is used by Website/App in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and is used by the advertiser as per the advertiser's prevalent privacy policies. Because we do not control the privacy practices of these advertisers, you should evaluate their practices before deciding to provide the said information.
    2. Website/App may also aggregate (gather up data across all accounts) Personal Information and disclose such information in a non-personally identifiable manner to advertisers and other third parties for other marketing and promotional purposes.
  2. Other Corporate Entities.

    1. The Company shares much of the data, including Personal Information about you, with its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and joint ventures that are committed to serving your online needs and related services, throughout the world. To the extent that these entities have access to your Personal Information, they will treat it at least as protectively as they treat information they obtain from their other users. The Company's parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, and joint ventures follow privacy practices no less protective for all users than our practices described in this document, to the extent allowed by applicable law. The Company, its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, its joint ventures, or any combination of such, will share some or all your Personal Information with another business entity should we plan to, merge with, or be acquired by that business entity.
  3. Posting to public areas of the Website/App

    1. Please remember that if you post any of your Personal Information in public areas of the Website/App such as in online forums or chat rooms, or on the Website/App's searchable database, such information may be collected and used by others over whom we have no control. We are not responsible for the use of information by third parties based on information you post or otherwise make available in public areas of the Website/App.

5. Access or change your Personal Information

You may review, correct, update, or change your account information at any time. To protect your privacy and security, we will verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your Personal Information. If you have registered your profile on the Website/App, your ID and Password are required to access your Account.
Your Personal Information shall be retained till such time as is required for the Purpose or required under applicable law, whichever is later.

6.Information security

The Company has implemented appropriate security practices and standards and has a comprehensive documented information security programme and information security policies that contain managerial, technical, operational, and physical security control measures that are commensurate with the information assets being protected with the nature of business. Further, the Company takes appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data and restricts access to your personal data to the Company’s employees who need to have that information in order to fulfil your request or supply our services.

7. Other Website/Apps

Our Website/App may contain links to other Website/Apps. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another Website/App over which the Website/App has no control and will bear no responsibility. Often these Website/Apps require you to enter your Personal Information. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on all such Website/Apps as their policies may differ from ours. You agree that we shall not be liable for any breach of your privacy of Personal Information or loss incurred by your use of these Website/Apps.

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update, change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. The amendment to this Privacy Policy shall come to effect from the time of such update, change or modification and the same will be published on this Website/App.

9. Disclaimer

The Company does not access, store, or keep credit card data. All credit card transactions happen using Secure Server Software (SSL) for 128-bit encryption through third-party gateways and the Company plays no role in the transaction, except for directing the customers to gateways or the relevant webpage. Accordingly, the Company shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage due to any disclosure whatsoever of Personal Information or any other information collected by the gateways or such Website/Apps.

The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any Personal Information concerning the User's account and / or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards / debit cards /cash cards and / or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission, or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used on such third-party gateways.

10. Governing law and Dispute Resolution

This Privacy Policy and Terms of Use shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of India only without reference to conflict of laws principles and disputes arising in relation hereto and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of New Delhi, India.

11. Assignability

The Company may assign any of its responsibilities/obligations to any other person without notice to the User, at its sole discretion. However, you shall not assign, sub-licence or otherwise transfer any of your rights under this Privacy Policy to any other party, unless a written consent is taken from the Company

12. Contacting the Website/App

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, Please contact us at

13.User Data Policy

My Hindlab. app collects Personal Information and Anonymous Information from you when you visit our site or when you send us information or communications. "Personal Information" means information that allows someone to identify or contact you, for example, your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, locations, as well as any information about you that is associated with or linked to any of the foregoing information. "Anonymous Information" means information that does not directly identify you individually. We collect Personal Information and Anonymous Information, as described below.

For users who are registered in our Mobile App

Personal and Anonymous Information Collected Via Technology

To make our services more useful to you, we use technological means or tools to collect Personal Information, as well as Anonymous Information, from you. These tools collect certain standard information that your browser sends to our app, including domain names, your browser type and language, and your Internet Protocol (IP) address and access times. You expressly consent to our collection of such information by using the My Hindlab.. An "IP address" is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer or mobile when you use the Internet. In some cases your IP address stays the same from browser session to browser session; but if you use a consumer Internet access provider, your IP address probably varies from session to session. For Attendance purpose employee current location is fetched using Location Permission and services to get current location in every 15 min. Employee can change phone number from profile page.

Information Collected while Using the Application

While using Our Application, in order to provide features of Our Application, we may collect, with Your prior permission:

Our website and Application may collect user images for profile pictures. Please be aware that any images submitted to our platform may be stored on our servers. However, we do not share these images with third parties; they are only used for internal purpose such as improving personalization. We use this information to provide features of Our Service, to improve and customize Our Service. The information may be uploaded to the Company's servers and/or a Service Provider's server or it may be simply stored on Your device.

You can enable or disable access to this information at any time, through Your Device settings.

Retention of Your Personal Data

The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies. The Company will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your information, including Personal Data, is processed at the Company's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from Your jurisdiction. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your agreement to that transfer. The Company will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information.